Companies Giving Back

One of my top priorities for this blog is to highlight companies that are finding ways to be more socially, and environmentally responsible. I worked in the nonprofit for a number of years and I simply could not have this blog in good conscious if I did not speak about companies who take a stance on social and environmental issues. I have mentioned before that I am not the picture perfect consumer, but by learning about companies that are using their platform for social and environmental change I can become a more informed consumer. I can personally vouch for each of these companies products and the impressive level of craftsmanship they provide.

November 2020 Designers Doing Good:  

Rania Dabagh– The jewelry designer Rania Dabagh was quick to respond to the devastation that occurred in Beirut in August 2020 by creating a beautiful bracelet whose proceeds would go to nonprofits on the ground in Lebanon helping with the crisis. On her Instagram she has been wonderfully transparent about how much money she has raised, and the organizations that she chose to donate the funds.

Lingua Franca– There are not enough positive words I can use to express my love for Lingua Franca. In October, the company reached $1,000,000 in donations from the sale of their items. Lingua Franca has gone as far as having a spreadsheet on their site with the sum of money given to each organization they have featured. This is company that stands up for causes in a real and transparent way.

Parker Clay– The Santa Barbara based company sells gorgeous leather bags made in Ethiopia. The company started during the founder’s time living in Ethiopia and they witnessed the alarming number of women who turn to prostitution as a means to support themselves, and their families. The goal from the start was to have a largely female employee base allowing for them to have safer, and more stable economic opportunities. Today, 80% of the companies employees in Ethiopia are female and this number continues to grow.

Adelante– Shoes from Adelante are created by artisans in Guatemala who receive a fair, living wage. Another critical aspect of their business model is that the shoes are made-to-order cutting down on excess inventory. This is a company that is truly dealing with environmental and social sustainably proactively.

DeMellier: Through their permanent charity initiative, “A bag, A life” DeMellier funds vaccines and medical treatments through their charity partner, SOS Children’s Village. To date, the company has funded over 100,000 vaccines and medical treatments for children in need.

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