Getting styled by Allison Bornstein

Despite the fact that I started a lifestyle blog that talks about fashion, I still get extremely overwhelmed by styling my clothes. At the end of the day I am a jeans and t-shirt girl, who has a serious weakness for coordinating suits and velvet smoking slippers. I created this blog to learn so having a chance to speak with a star stylist like Allison Bornstein was a great way to understand my closet and fashion more in depth.

Last week I booked a one hour Facetime call with Allison Bornstein through her website. I was so nervous before the meeting that I do believe I was sweating when the call started due to my nerves. I mean I was about to have Katie Holmes stylist see my closet! Quickly though, I relaxed as she is quite down to earth and extremely kind.

Prior to the call I made sure to watch her Youtube video about how to properly edit your closet. This way I was ready with my pieces when we began our chat.

A Breakdown of the Closet Edit:

Step 1: The Regulars: These are the pieces you regularly wear and are in near constant rotation.

Step 2: The “Nevers”: These pieces that fall under this category either do not fit, or you love but you do not know how to wear them.

Step 3: Categorize “Nevers” into three groups:

1. No, I do not like this piece, and I will not wear it.

2. Not now, and I am not ready to give this piece away.

3. How? Learning how to style a never piece properly.

Step 4: Revival Process: Taking items you do not wear often and reviving them with the regulars.

What I learned:  

It was beyond helpful to get her input with my “Never” items. She took each piece during the call and styled them with my regular clothing in a way I would have never thought about myself. I have so many pieces in my closet that I love, but have never been worn. I convinced myself they were only appropriate for a special occasion. At this point though in 2020 making it through each day with a good attitude is a special occasion.

During the call we talked about clothing and accessories pieces that I needed, but felt too overwhelmed to buy. For me it was heels, purses, and form fitting tops. I needed a true experts advice on finding the items that were worth my money. Within an hour of our call she sent me a very personalized shopping edit. Yes, Ms. Allison Bornstein sent me a shopping list. Each suggestion was perfect and truly encapuslated my style. It was clear she listened to my needs, my dislikes and likes, and the types of brands I chose to purchase from. Also, she recommended the Le Monde Beryl Venetian Slippers………so basically I my Velvet Slipper piece is pure gold.

Basically….do it! 

My phone call with Allison taught me how to have fun again when I get dressed. I work from home so I have an almost robotic routine when I get ready for the day. Without thought I reach for my oversized button downs and jeans. Now, I start with my “Never” items and find a way to integrate them into my outfit.

The Outfits: 

My “never” item: Pucci tuxedo shirt
My “never” item: Agnona gold silk pants
My “never” item: MaxMara camel pants
My “never” item: Billy Reid linen pans
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