Why I started a lifestyle blog, during a global pandemic.

The odd timing is not lost on me that as we are going through an incredibly uncertain and economically challenging time globally that my response was to start a lifestyle blog.

Let me back up a bit and give you some background on why I never imagined I would have a blog. First, and most importantly, I have been fairly adamant in my frustration and distaste for social media. I remember when Facebook first allowed you to upload photos onto your page and tag the people in the pictures. As soon as I would get a notification that someone tagged me, I would un-tag myself. I hated the idea that someone could find pictures of me, and know where I was. I prided myself on the fact that people had no idea what was going on in my life. While in graduate school, we were extensively educated on the merits of self-branding and self-marketing. I was a total pain for my professors during this time because the act of self-promotion made me extremely uncomfortable, and so I resisted all forms of advice they gave me.

Let’s fast forward to June 2020. Almost three months into quarantine and I was feeling incredibly socially deprived, and creatively frustrated. Prior to the pandemic, I was trying to set up a wine business in Utah and that became a futile exercise in disappointment. My love for travel and being inspired by new places was not going to happen any time soon. Being stuck at home meant that the joy I felt stepping outside my comfort zone through new experiences was put on hold indefinitely, causing me to become increasingly agitated. That is when I took the leap and downloaded Instagram. I needed to see other people and places to feel part of the world and become inspired again. Pretty soon I found a few accounts that I really liked and that lead me to their blogs. I started to feel a bit better as my extroverted side needed that “interaction” with others in order to not go completely crazy while stuck at home. I realized though that what I really felt was admiration for these individuals for putting their lives out into the world. For having the confidence to say, “Hey world, this is me, and I want show you what I am all about.”

Starting this blog is giving me the chance to experience something new, which I desperately need right now, and step outside my comfort zone in a profession I never imagined I would pursue. I also forgot to mention that I get really, like really uncomfortable when my picture is taken. So all signs point to the fact that this is not a vocation that I should have chosen for myself.  Nevertheless, I decided to give this a try. I figure I will get a chance to overcome my fears of technology, and photos of myself. For me, learning and evolving is the key to happiness.

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